Transitioning From High School to College, and How Coaching Can Make all the Difference

College life, at first, can be overwhelming and challenging. With many new people to meet, courses to choose, and new living conditions, it’s exciting and daunting at the same time! Will I get along with my roommates?  Will I make new friends, and will they understand my Asperger’s, ADD, or NLD?  Can I  manage my academics and get my assignments/ papers in on time?  How do I remember to take my medication on schedule, eat well, and exercise?  Will I get any sleep?  There are many demands for your time and energy, but the right support–especially in the beginning–can make all the difference in  your success and happiness.

In high school, you may have received good grades with a lot of support from your teachers, parents and coaches.  But, in college, the expectation is that you can self-regulate and get things done on your own.

Resident Assistants and counselors are available to help you settle into college life (roommate issues, rules, social activities), while counselors can help you with your acute or chronic emotional problems.  Neither, however, is available to help you organize yourself so that you can have the daily structure and discipline to be in control of your  life.

This is where good coaching comes in.  A coach will set you firmly on the right path to greater success with executive function(prioritizing, planning, organizing, reflecting back, learning from mistakes).  There are many strategies to make life easier and more enjoyable.  We will decide what strategies to implement, and how to create accountability to keep you on track.

We can meet on FaceTime, Skype, or telephone—your choice.   Sessions are 1 hour; once a week; with emailing in between to assist you in identifying what may get in the way of accomplishing your goals, and what you want to do about it. Our meetings are confidential,  and with your consent, I am happy to discuss your concerns with your private physician or therapist.

You can be reach me through my website : (; my email; or my office @617-332-5476.

I look forward to chatting with you.  Good luck!

Laurette Fine-Genest,RN

Asperger, AD/HD, NLD Life Skills Coach